February 13, 2013

Obligatory Love Post

Obviously tomorrow is Valentine's Day! And I don't know what Carter has planned - if anything - but I figured I may as well write my obligatory love post like I do every year!

2011 - I wrote two posts! One on what I did for him, and one on what he did for me! Note - I think we kept those hearts I trashed his house with, and some of them may or may not make a re-appearance this year! ;)

2012 - I actually didn't write any posts! I was too busy preparing to get married! But I do have some pictures. 
Carter surprised me with flowers, and with coming back to Edmonton from Slave Lake two days early!

Before he surprised me, we spend the evening at Boston Pizza eating heart-shaped pizzas!
Now. Love.

Brissa blogged beautifully about what love is. Read this post. That explains my life.

Love is waking my exhausted husband up at 2 in the morning because the baby is kicking and I know that husband wants to feel it.
Love is every night when husband remembers to fill up the humidifier so it keeps me sleeping, and helps me wake up with a clear nose.
Love is husband doing dishes while I soak in the bathtub.
Love is banging on the shower wall to get husband's attention, then asking him to grab me a new razor.
Love is asking husband to bring home Wendy's for me, even though dinner is already in the oven.
Love is never going to sleep angry, or without a kiss and 'I love you'.
Love is being married for a year, but feeling like it was only yesterday.

Love is me telling husband I want blonde hair and fake nails back and he says, 'K, make an appointment then!'
Love is always feeling spoiled, even when you have close to nothing.

Three years ago I was Nicole Martin, single, high school student, daughter, sister, friend.
Two years ago I was Nicole Martin, girlfriend of Carter Peterson, nanny, daughter, sister, friend.
One year ago I was Nicole Martin, fiance to Carter Peterson, student at NAIT, daughter, sister, friend.
Today I am Nicole Peterson, wife to Carter Peterson, mother-to-be, employee of DynaLife, daughter, sister, daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, friend.

So many things have changed. But love remains the same.

1 comment:

  1. This is so cute. I might just steal this idea.


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