July 30, 2015

34 and a bit.

What Fruit are you? Cantaloupe! mmm.. Approximately 18" long, and 4 lb 5 oz (except in our case, he's about 6 lb 5 oz!).
Due date: September 8, but set to be induced on September 1! (32 days!)
How far along: 34+2 weeks!
Next appointment: Biophysical profile and nonstress tests scheduled for Tuesday.
Gender: BOY!!!
Total weight gain/loss: +24 lb.
Exercise: I think chasing Jack through a parking lot counts, especially when he does it every other day.
Stretch marks: Same old, couple new ones.
Swelling: Only when it's real hot.
Maternity clothes: Yessir, except non-maternity bottoms are still more comfortable, and most of my maternity tops are too short.
Belly button: Out, and visible.
Sleep: We have our days, good and bad. I can't even use the Snoogle anymore because my back gets so sore :(
Food cravings: White chocolate, donairs, bacon, fries.
Symptoms: All of them.
Movement: Constantly.
Labor signs: N/A
What I miss: Laying on my belly.
What I'm loving: Carter being home, counting down!
What I'm looking forward to: Always Tuesdays, so I can see little squish. And Lady Antebellum on Saturday! AND it's a long weekend!
Best moment this week: Telling Jack he has to walk softly when babies are on the floor (at Stay and Play this morning), and watching him tiptoe around them. Adorable. Also getting our maternity/family pictures back from the amazingly talented Cheyenne!
Blood sugars?: Meh. I haven't had my A1C done since the beginning of July. But I'm super snacky, which makes my sugars look terrible even though they're really not.

July 13, 2015

(almost) 32 weeks!

What Fruit are you? "Winter squash" (looks like a pumpkin to me!). He is supposed to weigh between 2.5-3.8 lb and be 15-17 inches long, but since he's actually ahead by 3-4 weeks he weighs closed to 5.5 lb and is around 17 inches long.
Due date: September 8
How far along: 31+6, 32 weeks tomorrow.
Next appointment: Tomorrow I have my biophysical profile, nonstress test, and OB appointment. Sigh.
Gender: BOY!!!
Total weight gain/loss: +17 lb.
Exercise: Nothing that a non-preggo would refer to as exercise, since I'm currently counting getting out of bed as a full blown workout.
Stretch marks: Same old, couple new ones.
Swelling: Just occasionally from the heat. It hasn't been too bad!
Maternity clothes: Always, except I finally managed to get some comfy shorts that aren't maternity so they don't have the belly panel, because that just makes me sweat nasty.
Belly button: Outie! Depending on the shirt I'm wearing you can totally see it poking out.
Sleep: Hasn't been bad. I need my Snoogle at all times, and most mornings I wake up feeling like my hips are bruised. Besides that I wake up 1-2 times to go pee, but fall right back to sleep!
Food cravings: Not a whole lot, just fries and tzatziki. My fave.
Symptoms: Lots of pulling and stretching and ouchie muscles. Lightening crotch, turns out, is a real thing. Peeing all the time. My boobs hurt. 
Movement: Aaaaaaall the time. But it isn't kicks anymore as much as it is rolling around and little punches.
Labor signs: N/A
What I miss: Walking without aching, picking things up off the floor without going into a sumo squat, sleeping through the night without peeing.
What I'm loving: Being this pregnant! Everything feels so foreign and new. And I *think* Jack kind of knows what's going on, as this morning he brought me a new baby blanket and pointed at my belly. Fingers crossed lol.
What I'm looking forward to: Carter coming home, and having this baby in less than 8 weeks!
Best moment this week: It's just Monday, so I dunno lol. But I LOVE seeing baby boy's cheeks every week at the ultrasound.
Blood sugars?: My A1C last month was a bit higher - 6.0 instead of 5.7, but I've increased a ton of insulin (blah) and I think this month's A1C will be better. I hope.