March 8, 2014

March goals!!

Obviously the first week of March has already come and gone, which is insane, but I'm making some goals for March anyway.

First, update on my February goals. We cloth diaper (almost) full time now! It took some tweaking and learning and a lot of leaks, not to mention a ton of laundry, but I feel like it's an A+! Plus I'm getting something like 15 more diapers at the end of this month, so that'll mean less laundry haha.

And my diabetes is WAY better. :) I used all 100 strips this month! Go me!

So, March. I want to keep up with the diabetes. I want to start a budget. And stick to it. And I want to work out. I want to sweat every day. And I want to start being on my phone less!

Now it's out in the open. Phew. Wish me luck.

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