March 31, 2015

Baby 2.0 [17 weeks]

Here we are again!

What Fruit are you? Navel orange!
Due date: September 8. They tried changing it, but I said no ;)
How far along: 17 weeks!
Next appointment: Ultrasound on April 22, OB appointment the next morning.
Gender: Dunno.
Total weight gain/loss: -10 lb. Sweet.
Exercise: Walking, which is more like resistance training against the wind.
Stretch marks: Can't tell if there's any new ones mixed in with the old ones.
Swelling: Nope.
Maternity clothes: Always.
Belly button: In.
Sleep: I need more of it.
Food cravings: Nothing too serious. Once in awhile all I want is a donair, or french fries, or strawberries.
Symptoms: The ever growing belly is basically a dead giveaway.
Movement: Just flutters a couple times. I can't wait to feel kicks!
Labor signs:
What I miss: Not being tired all the time.
What I'm loving: Sleeping.
What I'm looking forward to: Ultrasound!! And a long weekend.
Best moment this week: Jackers turned 2! Crazy.
Blood sugars?: Pretty good. I think the diabetic clinic is going to fire me because I haven't emailed them in two weeks. Whooops.

Until next month. ;)

Jack is TWO!

I can't believe it. Where has the time gone?

Jack is now two years old. He weighs a little over 25 lb (it's been a hot second since we weighed him). He's about 34" tall. He wears size 24 month pants (2T are way too long), and he's quickly going to be in size 3T pants. His feet are about size 6, but I think those shoes are going to be outgrown by the time summer gets here. 

He's getting his two year old molars (yuck). He sleeps from 7:30-8pm until 7:30-8:30am. Plus he still naps from 12 or 1 until 4 or 5. He still isn't talking, but we're working on it (he said "moo" the day before his birthday!).

Jack LOVES balls. Like. Loves. And building towers. And racing cars. He's all boy. He loves playing outside, going for walks, puppies, kitties, Bubble Guppies, and reading.

His favourite foods are mashed potatoes, Cheerios, Fruit-To-Go, Cheezies, popcorn twists, hot dogs, and corn. I'm sure I'm missing something too. He dislikes other kids the same size as him, though he does okay in nursery.

We sure do love our little Jack Cameron Peterson and all his personalities and attitudes. Happy birthday, dude!