Every day feels so monotonous and boring: drag my butt out of bed, throw on a bra, and get Jack out of bed. Change his diaper. Breakfast. Clean up breakfast. Put on Bubble Guppies (thankfully we have 53 episodes PVR'd so I'm not stuck with season 1 on Netflix!), make myself presentable(ish). Sometimes we run downtown, just to get out of the house; sometimes we just lounge. Ryder comes at 11:30. Lunch, clean up lunch, change Jack's diaper, nap time. Find something for myself for lunch. Playtime (which can be anything from playdoh to crafts or board/card games). Snack time. Get Jack out of bed, change his diaper. More playtime (or movie time). Meltdowns. Clean up before Ryder gets picked up. Start supper. Eat supper. Clean up supper. Get Jack ready for bed.
I'm starting to become very resentful of anyone who gets to leave the house (ahem, Carter). Even on the rare occasion I do get out with no kid(s), I feel a pulling responsibility to be at home. Then I look at Carter who spent 8 hours with his buddies today, is going on a 3 day trip with the young men, immediately followed by a week in Mexico with his brother, and I am so insanely jealous. Not even that he's going to Mexico for free, even though I am, but because if someone offered me a free trip to Mexico I don't think I would accept it. I wouldn't be able to leave without feeling guilty.
Moms, help me out. How do I get unstuck?