June 16, 2013

Dad Day

Today's the day we celebrate these guys.

Dads and grandpas. 

This year, another guy got added into the mix.

It's Carter's first father's day!

I'm so grateful to all these incredible men. 

I especially want to send a shout out to my dad for having the wisdom to give Carter and I blessings before Jack was born. I 100% attribute our calmness during the air ambulance transfer and prepping me for the OR to that blessing. 

Another shout out to Carter for giving Jack a blessing as soon as he was able to. I never had a doubt in my mind that Jack was going to survive, and that is because of the calming effect the Spirit gave me because of the priesthood.

So, to Carter and Dale and Cameron and Max and LaDell and Wayne and Gordon: Happy Father's/Grandfather's/Great-grandfather's Day! 

My baby is the luckiest to have such amazing male role models to look up to.
This sums up mine and Dad's relationship.

I'mma daddy's girl.

Happy high school grad!

Me 'n Grandpa A

University Grad w/ the rentals. 
This is the only picture I could find with Grampa M. in it! And Grandpa A. happens to be in it too haha

Holding Jack for the first time

It's also our dad's first father's day as grandfathers!

June 13, 2013

happy due date!

today is the day my 3-month-old was supposed to be borned.

instead, he came to us early. too early.

it's been a rollercoaster.

luckily, our little guy is a trooper.

so, jack.. happy due date!

**also, for interests sake.. this is my 100th post! what a milestone! :)**

June 9, 2013

{Week 11: Roadtrip}

Grandma Martin came up this week to see Jack at home, and we decided that we would go back to Raymond with her to meet all of his grandparents and aunts and uncles and great-grandparents!

Beware: photo overload.

Hanging out with Dad in his bouncer.

Great grandma and grandpa Atwood

Aunt Brooklynn

Aunt Rylee

Grandma and Grandpa Peterson

Grandpa Peterson

Aunties and great grandma Kergan

Great grandma Peterson

Dad and great grandma Peterson
Aunt Brooklynn and great grandma Peterson

Great grandma Martin

Grandpa Martin and Uncle Max
Jack travels like a champ. He slept the whole time. After being held by a million people all day on Saturday, he kind of freaked out Saturday evening and wouldn't be held by anyone but Mom, which was fine by me! :) But that was the only "incident" we had. Except for almost getting hit by a basketball.

I need to document this story: Thursday night Jack went to sleep at 11, all fine and dandy. Friday morning he woke up to eat at 4, but he wouldn't stop. Everytime I'd pull him off he'd fuss and fuss and fuss so I put him back on. Finally at 6, after nursing for 2 hours, Dad got up and made him a bottle. He ate 4 oz in like 15 minutes, then I was burping him.. And he projectile vomited. Everywhere. Ev. Ree. Where. All over him, and me, and my bed, and his blankets, and my pillows.. Everywhere. So I sponge bathed him, changed his blankets, and laid him back down in his bed. He was asleep in a minute. But then I had to clean up myself and my bed, so by the time that was done it was nearly 8, and Grandma was getting up. Then we drove to Raymond. Let's just say Friday was a looooooooooong day.

He also had a cardiology appointment this week, and they don't need to see him back for 2 years, which means he's all good!

Our first week home was wonderful! :)

June 4, 2013

{Week 10: Home!}

70 days.
6 lb 4 oz.
5 respiratory options.
4 ultrasounds.
3 ambulance rides.
2 hospitals.
1 Jack. 1 Home. 1 Family.

Yesterday, on June 3, 2013, after 70 days in the NICU, we brought our precious Jack home!

There was so much happiness in our little house. Carter and I were absolutely giddy all morning. He called the NICU at 5am and found out that Jack had passed his car seat test, and we were awake from then (actually, I woke up at 4am because I was so anxious to find out if he had passed). We spent the morning at the hospital waiting for discharge papers, and then we had them! And we had him! (If you're curious, I only cried one tear. Of pure joy. When one of the nurses we didn't like came and said goodbye to him. Yes, goodbye to YOU!)

He is on oxygen still, so we have an oxygen concentrator set up in our living room, along with 6 portable tanks, and 25 feet of tubing. But home oxygen is a small price to pay (literally, thanks to the Government of Alberta) for having him home. It is worth all the stress and scariness of the last 70 days.

In his bed from Jen
Our first night at home was pretty good! I was absolutely drained from being awake all day, so I fed him and went to bed around 10pm, and Carter got him all settled around 1130pm. He was up at 315 to eat, back to sleep at 4.. Up again at 630, back to bed (with me) at 730 until 10! That is the latest I've slept in since he was born, and it was with him at home! Haha. So we survived (thanks to the caffeinated goodness of Diet Coke). 

 We even went for a walk today! It's absolutely glorious to have nothing to do and no where to go (until his appointments start on Thursday).

 Again, I'd like to thank every single person who prayed for our family, and for Jack's success in the car seat test. The Lord is so good. Jack is an amazingly calm little guy, he loves his bed, he loves cuddling, he loves eating, he loves sleeping. I think The Lord gave us an "easy" baby to make up for his difficult start! ;) Thanks to everyone who came and sat with me in the hospital to keep me company, for those of you who have sent gifts and kind words. I can't even express how grateful I am. And how elated I am!

Happy summer indeed!