November 22, 2012

11 weeks :)

About You
Name: Nicole.
Age: 20.
Height: 5'6" - I always thought I was like 5'8", but the doctor shut me down today.
Pre-pregnancy weight: None of your stinking business hahah. But I'm not happy about it. Let's just go with that.
About The Father 
Name: Carter.
Age: 19. Haha.
Height: 5'10".
Are you still together: Yup! Married 9 months!
About Your Pregnancy
Is this your first pregnancy: Yes! 
When did you find out you were pregnant: Good question. Ummm.. Basically right after it happened haha. Because I miss my period in September, so I thought I was pregnant then. But all the tests were negative. Then my blood work still wasn't very convincing, and neither was the ultrasound. So I guess I finally found out on October 26.

Was it planned: I wasn't on the pill, so I guess that's a yes!

What was your first reaction: I was kind of expecting it I guess, but still relieved to know that it was, in fact, a viable pregnancy!

Who was with you when you found out: Mmmm. No one!
Who was the first person you told: Carter and my mom and Meghan!
How did your parents react: They're both thrilled. Dad was dying to tell the boys!
How far along are you: 10 weeks and 6 days ---- so, 11 weeks.
What was your first symptom: SOOO tired! And sore back.

What is your due date: June 14, 2013.

Do you know the sex of the baby: Not yet... Hoping for a girl!.
Have you picked out names: Yup.
If so, what are they: People that are close to me know, but I don't want everyone to know!.
How much weight have you gained: One and a half kilos, or 3 pounds.
Do you have stretch marks: Yes!
Have you felt the baby move: Nope.
Have you heard the heartbeat: I've seen it! But I'm hoping to hear it on December 19!

About the birth
Will you keep the baby: Absolutely. 
Home or hospital birth: Hospital, because I'm a high risk pregnancy. 
Natural or medicated birth: I always just assumed I'd get an epidural, but now I'm thinking about just trying without!
Who will be in the delivery room with you: Carter, my mom, maybe my dad?
Will you breastfeed: Yup.
Do you think you'll need a c-section: I hope not!
Will you cry when you hold the baby for the first time: Probably not -- I'm like stone. ;)
What's the first thing you might say to him/her: "Hello, (insert name here)!" or something like that.
Would you let someone videotape the birth: Hell. To. The. No.
Are you excited about the birth, or scared?:Super excited! Nervous, obviously, but mostly excited.

November 17, 2012


I AM SO EMOTIONAL. I just watched the finale of America's Next Top Model (yay, Laura!!) and I cried. The whole 42 minutes. Their mamas showed up, and that was when I cracked. Then when Leila fell down the stairs of the catwalk (someone always does, I'm glad it was Leila) I cried again. And then when Laura won (sorry, spoilers!) I cried again!

I'm going to see Breaking Dawn Part 2 (by myself) and I have a feeling I should take some tissues. Call me crazy, but I am a true Twihard (although I do also love Harry Potter, so don't get me wrong!). Speaking of Harry Potter.. You gotta read this. I wanna name my kitty the same thing.

And my house is freezing. And I'm fat - the zipper in my favorite Silver jeans is starting to tear. :( Time for some mat jeans, I guess. Goodbye, pretty jeans; Hello, yoga pants.

So yep.

Happy Saturday.

November 15, 2012

10 weeks!

I can't believe I'm 10 weeks pregnant (tomorrow). Double digits, baby! -- pun intended.

This is our little nugget at 8 weeks!

And this is the picture I sent to all of the missionaries (Viktoria, Adrian, Ethan, William, Nathan, and Kyle) - me being excited!

And this is the golden nugget (ahah).
I will be 10 weeks tomorrow. I took this picture today.

Can we say HUGE? Jeesh.

Ps >> How cute are my scrubs? 

Pps >> Do the poll! Top right corner! Girl or boy?!

November 6, 2012

some moooooore

more crafty things by yours truly!

this one was so easy it's almost painful. i literally printed out the pictures on white printer paper and put them in the frame. then i hot glued the ribbon to the back of all 3 frames and hung the top one. ta-da! so cute and classy. 

this one was really easy too, but more tedious. i've had this buddah canvas since thanksgiving, and i've been meaning to get around to crafting with it.. but last night i finally did it! the stickers are vinyl - super easy to peel off the painted canvas. i finally chose a quote - yoda! - and then it was a breeze.

here's the final product! i like that you can still see the buddah shadow behind the white paint. i feel like it helps it make sense. go yoda!

#relevant hahaha


oh my goodness. my life is a whirlwind. carter and i are pregnant!! and i've had a lot of questions. so let me answer some of the questions!

-- so my last period was august 13. but all of the pregnancy tests i took were negative. but september came and i never had a period. october came, and i never had one. finally my doctor ordered blood work and an ultrasound for me to see what was up. this was october 10. we thought i would show around 9/10 weeks, because that's where i was by dates. but the ultrasound only showed a gestational sac, which forms at around 4 and a half weeks. and the blood work showed hcg levels that were around the same time  (4/5 weeks). my doctor broke my heart and said she believed i was having a miscarriage. she ordered more blood work and told me to schedule another ultrasound, but that if i started cramping and bleeding i needed to go directly to the ER. the day before we went to raymond i called the clinic to ask if they had my results, and the nurse said my hcg levels were high, and that i was definitely pregnant. huge sigh of relief. my ultrasound today showed that i am 8 weeks and 4 days, putting my due date on june 14, 2013. so i'm assuming what happened is that going off my birth control in august caused me to skip my period in september, and THEN i got pregnant. but the point is -- i'm pregnant!!

-- yes, i went off my birth control. yes, carter knew. carter had been working out of town in the summer, and the weekend he came home we talked about it. i had read the talk called "children" by neil. l. andersen, and i felt strongly that it was meant for us. in the talk, he quotes rachel jankovic and says, "motherhood is not a hobby, it is a calling. you do not collect children because you find them cuter than stamps. it is not something to do if you can squeeze the time in. it is what god gave you time for." i've spent my whole life wanting to be a wife and a mother. i was a wife. now i wanted to be a mother.

-- no, i'm not sick. thank goodness. i haven't been sick at all. although i do suddenly have a lot of anxiety. for example, people. haha. being at church (stake conference, the temple dedication) with a lot of people in a tight space makes me really nauseous and nervous. even walking around at west edmonton mall on saturday made me crazy nervous. sitting in the passenger seat when carter or my mom is driving makes me incredibly nervous. i get shaky and i can't even look out the windshield. and my boobs have already grown. a lot. dislike.

so there you have it. 8 weeks of nicole's pregnancy. 220 days to go! :) :) :)

November 1, 2012

Coming Soon!

Nicole & Carter sitting in a tree,


First comes love..

Then comes marriage..

Then comes.....