March 26, 2012

one month!

I can't believe we've already been married for more than a month!!!
We're still as happy and in love as we've ever been - even though Carter still tracks in mud and has absolutely destroyed what was my car. It's so dirty and smelly. :(
He still loves his job. And I still love that school is over in 22.5 days. But who's counting.
Here's some updates:
We want a dog. Or a kitten.
We have to find somewhere new to live (BIGGER!) in 2 months. Yay, but not.
Carter will be working out of town for part of april.
I got my blood sugars under control - huge relief.
We have a budget!
I apparently have insomnia. And he apparently snores.
We love Costco and going to the gym.
We eat a lot of chicken. But we hardly ever buy meals! Bag lunches for us!
Most of our evenings are spent eating and treating and watching Netflix. We love us some classic movies.
Being married is the greatest thing I've ever done. Obviously. :)

March 9, 2012

is it friday yet?

today has been brutal. first our phones got disconnected. then i went to school even though i totally didn't have to cause it was a waste and we did nothing. then i came home and packed because we're leaving for raymond. but at this rate - carter is taking his sweet time - we won't leave until 5. which means we won't get there until 11. baaaaaaaaaaaaaaghhhhhhh. :(