January 22, 2013

The Shower Botheration.

I'm writing this post in a desperate attempt to prove to my husband that I am not the only one who feels this way. If I am.. Well, I may need to get some professional help (joking).

I never stand in the shower with my face toward the water. Never. I HATE getting water on my face. The only time it's generally alright is when I'm swimming. Or washing my face. But when I wash my face, the water has to be uncomfortably cold, and I hold my breath the whole time I'm rinsing my face. It just gives me nasty goosebumps to get water on my face.

Carter, on the other hand, loves getting water on his face. He showers facing the water the whole time. It gives me chills just thinking about it. Ick.

The other thing I have with showering (with Carter, as we commonly do since our house runs short on hot water 90% of the time) is getting his soap suds on me. I know it's just soap, and I know it's not like the suds are carrying bacteria and dirt (quite the opposite, actually), but I can't stand it! When he has to rinse off, rather than just stepping past each other, I just squish myself up against the back of the shower, behind the water, to avoid getting soap suds on me.


Back me up, people! I know I can't be the only one!

1 comment:

  1. I cannot STAND getting Scotts soap suds on me. We have a very narrow shower and since my belly is sooo huge it's nearly impossible not to get them on my when we trade places so he can rinse off and it drives me nuts! I face away from the water and hate if I get splashed but if I purposely put my face in the water I'm fine with it


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